Hey everyone! So my next review is for Frito Lay. You guys know and love Frito Lay, they make pretty much all of the best chips in the world. They sent me an awesome little prize pack to review.

The prize pack consisted of:
A reusable grocery tote bag
Reusable metal water bottle
Chip clip
A bag of Sun Chips
A bag of Tostitos Scoops
A bag of lightly salted Lays
A small bag of Fritos
A coupon for a free Frito Lay product
I liked how this prize pack was full of goodies but heathly goodies. Not to say these snacks are super healthy but healthier than the average potato chip or cheese doodle. I liked how the snacks tied in with the whole "go green" aspect of the prize pack which included the tote bag and water bottle. But I also liked that even though Fritos are very healthy for you, they added in a little bag for them just because it is a "Frito-Lay" prize pack what kind of prize pack would it be without the Fritos? Plus, I do love me some Fritos.
I'm not going to lie, I've tried all of these flavored chips before, mainly because I am a huge fan of all of them. My particular favorite is Sun Chips. Actually, I didn't even know Sun Chips were a product of the Frito-Lay company until I received this pack, but that just makes me love them even more. I love Sun Chips just because they're really flavorfulyet still pretty good for you. I love the taste of mulitgrain chips and prefer them over the greasier potato chips. I also love Tostitos because I love chips and salsa and the Scoops version is my favorite Tostito version because it makes the whole chip/salsa process that much easier with the little scoop. My least favorite is the Lightly Salted Lays, not because they taste bad or anything just because they're average, you know? Plain old potato chip. I'm more into different flavors when I eat potato chips like Salt and Vinegar and I know that's a super terrible unhealthy flavor for you to eat but...you gotta have some unhealthy vices, you know? Still the lightly salted is a great way to fill in that salt craving you sometimes get while still trying to eat healthy, which I sometimes forget to do, haha. And to make me look even worse, I actually did use the coupon to buy a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips, and as unhealthy as they were, they still were super delicious!
All in all, I loved the entire presentation of the prize pack as well as the delicious goodies inside. Let's just say as quickly as I received this yummy prize pack, it was equally quickly to disappear into our stomachs, haha.
If you have been living under a rock and never have tried these chips before, you gotta jump on it, they're delicious and you won't be disappointed!
Buy It! Head on over to your local grocery store, deli, bodega, etc. They sell Frito Lay brand chips everywhere at a very reasonable price :)
I was provided a product in exchange for my review.
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