
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 2 for 31DTBBB -- Top Five Goals this Year

Hey guys, so I'm participating in 31 Days to Build a Better Blog via The SITS Girls. It's a great way to connect with the blogging community as well as build a better blog for you guys. So every now and then I'll make a post referring to "31DTBBB" or maybe some personal blogs, just to spice this blog up a bit. I hope you don't mind.

Day 1 was basically editing the "About Me" section, or at least that's what I did. Day 2's task is to write a list post. The purpose of a list post is to provide your readers with information that is easy to read and spread.

So being that I didn't really make a New Year's post, I figured I'd do one now. It's only a month into the year. How are you guys doing with your resolutions? I don't really like New Year's resolutions because people forget them and don't take them so seriously. So I didn't make any, I just set out some goals that I want to accomplish this year and for years to come, but hopefully sooner than later. I'm doing great with some goals not-so good with others. Here's a list of things I want to accomplish this year:

1. Travel, Travel, Travel - I love traveling and can't get enough of it. I plan on going to a few awesome places this year DC, Boston, Costa Rica, Vegas, and HOPEFULLY a US road trip and Oktoberfest in Munich. Let's see if they happen, haha.
2. Live life healthier - I plan on working out a lot more, which I've beeen doing so go me! But also eating better. I have such a sweet tooth and that is what kills me. But so far I've been doing good and actually cooking some banging meals, so yay!
3. Make a career out of acting. - I'm not sure if I told you guys this, but I want to be an accomplished actress. So far I've been doing well, going on auditions, I was in a student film and I'm also in a children's play but I want to keep pushing myself.
4. Work on my stand-up more. - As well as theatre and films, I do enjoy performing stand-up comedy and improv. I haven't done many open mics and I need to do more. This I've been lacking in, mainly because I need to write more. I've been getting a lot of writer's blocks lately.
5. Keep improving my blog, so it's the best it could ever be. - I love this blog, I enjoy writing the reviews, giving away products, as well as receiving products myself. But I also like doing it for the community and meeting all you cool people. I just hope to keep up with doing this and making it bigger and better for all of us! :)

There's other things to like practice my guitar and ukulele more, write, try and create something awesome everyday. But this are my top five that I'm focusing on right now.

How about you guys? What are some of your yearly goals? Share them in the comments, I'd love to read them! :)

1 comment:

  1. Great goals! I actually didn't so much list out goals for myself as I chose to focus on a word which will define 2011: DRIVE. As in having the drive to stick to my dreams, to see projects through to their completion. I think this challenge we're going through will be a good test of whether or not that "drive" is being cultivated!

    Good list post! :-)

