
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Bye Guys!

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This is a hard post to write but I think it is time. I started Star Impulse in February 2010, it was so much fun, I love reviewing products and connecting with readers but time passes, life happens, and I became more and more inconsistent with posts. Without consistency you lose readers and potential products to review, like Star Impulse did. Truthfully, I love writing but product reviews are not really my passion anymore. Even though it seems easy it is a lot of work -- connecting with the companies, keeping track of the items, trying the items, and then reviewing them. Right now I am trying to focus on other things. Not sure if you guys know this already but I'm originally from NJ and I moved to California to pursue a career in entertainment. I currently do stand up comedy and have been traveling a lot for that, this summer I've been to San Francisco, Denver and in September I'll be in Boston and Flagstaff -- so it is hard to focus on reviewing products and also telling jokes and planning tours. I love Star Impulse and the readers so, so, so much and I hate doing this, but I feel like you guys deserve better. You don't deserve a rushed product review or a sloppy one and I find myself almost doing that sometimes. So, with a heavy heart, this is goodbye. Don't fret though because I'll still be on the internet. I'm going to keep my healthy living/fitness/life blog State of Motion and when I discover awesome products and such I will post them on there. I also have a personal website KellyMcInerney.net where I update all my stand up, hosting, writing, podcasting stuff. I do still write for Cinelinx and host for Afterbuzz. I also started a podcast called IMDweed. Lastly, you can check out my twitter and instagram -- both still hollyweirdo. I love you guys! And thank you so much for reading, participating, and being awesome! I'll see you around.


Friday, May 12, 2017

ToSave.com Review!


Hey everyone, we all love online shopping right? To be honest, I feel like the older I get the more I get into it. It is way easier when you have a busy lifestyle to just go to the computer really quickly, browse and order versus going to the store or the mall. That is why I was very excited to browse To Save. To Save is a shopping site that has almost anything -- from car phone chargers to wedding dresses -- seriously this place has almost everything.

I didn't go too, too crazy with my selection but wow did I get lost in browsing for a bit. I decided just on these three items:

A crop top that says "psycho," a shirt with a great back cutout, and a little tripod.

All of these are very important additions to my life for me: The psycho shirt just reminds me of one of my favorite movies "American Psycho," also I have been pretty proud of my body lately and have been rocking some crop tops; the back one is, well I love anything with cool backs, so I had to have it; and the mini tripod, probably the one that makes the most sense, I do stand up and want to try recording more sets and now I can with this little baby tripod.

All three of these items came to a total of less than $10 which is crazy. The psycho shirt was $3.88, the long sleeve shirt was $4.79, and the tripod was $1.77. Wowie zowie.

One thing is the fabric of the shirts are a little weird. I thought the back shirt was going to be more sweater-like but instead it just looked like a really ill-fitting shirt, this one was the most disappointing. The sleeves were a little, off it looked like it was too boxy and unflattering for me in the front.

But this is the type of website where you're not 100% disappointed because it was crazy cheap. And the Psycho shirt looks great AND the tripod is perfect for on the go quick recordings. The tripod you can only use sideways though, I tried to tilt it so my phone is normal but it fell. The phone just squeezes in there and it's pretty easy.

Overall, I think the website is pretty awesome. I definitely recommend checking out the website. If you wanna shop, need to get someone a little something, or have something in mind they may have it. 

Buy It! Head on over to To Save's website or check out their sister sites Rose Hair Extensions and Weave Hair Plus.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Bouchard's Cheesecake Bites Review!

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Hey everyone! Hope you're having a fun weekend! I've been pretty busy lately but very excited to tell you about Bouchard's cheesecake bites. Bouchard is a delicious chocolate company that has a variety of delicious sweets and of them is their variety of cheesecake bites!

They have three amazing flavors: dulce de leche, strawberry, and chocolate fudge. 

I really loved these treats. They're the perfect size to just kick that sweet tooth craving that you have late at night -- at least I do! I actually ended up bringing them to a pool party I had and they disappeared faster than me cannon-balling into the pool. 

It's hard to choose a favorite flavor, I don't even like white chocolate but the strawberry one still tasted great. They all have a hard chocolate shell and are filled with either strawberry, chocolate, or caramel and a little bite of cheesecake in the center. I didn't feel like the bites were very cheesecakey, I was honestly expecting it to taste more like it, but either way they still were very sweet and very delicious.

Overall, they're a great little treat, I definitely recommend checking them out. 

Buy It! Head on over to your local Walgreens where you can pick up a box for around $10!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Free Beauty Events May Giveaway!

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Hey everyone! It's your monthly reminder to check out an awesome website called FreeBeautyEvents.com. Free Beauty Events is an awesome website that has free makeovers, free samples and a chance to win beauty products in our monthly contest. By entering your zip code to find out what makeover, gift with purchase, spa open houses and sampling events are happening near your home.

This month our basket includes products from Cantu, Rimmel, L'Oreal, John Frieda, Nexxus, Crest, Hawaiian Tropic, Neutrogena and more! The Contest runs from now through 5/31/17, winners will be chosen on 6/10/2017 and notified by 6/15/2017. Be sure to "like" their Facebook page, then enter to win on the page. You can also enter on their website.

Definitely, check out Free Beauty Events because we all love being pampered with makeup and beauty products, but what's even better is getting them for free!

Be sure to "like" Free Beauty Events on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Vegan Ketogenic Diet Book Review!

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Hey everyone, summer is coming up! Are you guys ready? I've been trying to eat a little more healthier and it is not the easiest. I love bread a lot, man and cheese and ice cream. But sometimes when you read a book it kind

I received the eBook for the Vegan Ketogenic Diety by Sam Kuma. I know what you're thinking "what is ketogenic?" well let me explain it to you: A Ketogenic diet is a fat based diet that aims at controlling the carbohydrate intake. It aims at helping people shed excess weight. 

The book is pretty thorough and lists simple recipes that anyone can make -- which is great because I suck at cooking. I haven't made any of the recipes yet because I'm going to go out of town tomorrow and I know I'm not going to be sticking to this diet but when I come back I'm diving into diet mode. 

They start you off with a 15 day meal plan though which is very cool because I love working with a schedule and with order if that makes sense. Some of the items you can make are: Cheesecake breakfast bars, Tofu Scramble, and Keto Hummus.

They all have honestly pretty simple ingredients and instructions. Just sticking to it is the hardest part.

Overall, I can't wait to try this out, I'll keep you guys posted! 

Buy It! Head on over to Amazon and download the ebook!
